Sweetly, Confidently, Willingly

“…the little wildflowers have a wonderful lesson to teach. They offer themselves so sweetly and confidently and willingly, even if it seems that there is no one to appreciate them.”  - Hinds Feet on High Places

I read this book years ago and this one passage has stuck with me ever since. Probably because I love wildflowers, especially daisies. I love how they grow freely wherever you plant them. I love how they can take over wherever they are planted and can make even the most mundane space, like a highway median, beautiful.

More than the imagery, what I really love about this passage is the humility of the flowers. Flowers are beautiful, whether there is someone to appreciate them or not. All they know to do is to grow into something wonderful. They don't compare themselves to the flowers around them and they don't try to be anything they aren't. The flowers are just their perfect selves, standing tall and proud, just the way they were created.

That's what I want to be.

I want to have the confidence to offer myself as sweetly and willingly as a wildflower. If for no other reason than because that's what I was created to do.



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